Office Manager
Office Manager Needed
Veterans' Outreach in Hartselle, AL is seeking candidates for part time office help. Must have a clean background, be able to multitask, and have good computer and communication skills. Retirees welcome.
Veterans Outreach
Contact Teri Ely, Executive Director
email resume to:
or call 330-755-5792
The brave men and women of our military travel around the world to defend the freedom we enjoy at home. So it’s only right that when they return, we bring the services and support they need, to those veterans where they live. Our information seminars give veterans the help they need to file and receive VA claims, as well as everyday support as they take back normal life. And for some vets, the situation is more urgent. DAV’s outreach to homeless veterans, and our disaster relief grants, lend a helping hand to those veterans who face additional hurdles in their return to life at home.